Friday, March 4, 2016

Another Excerpt From Kid Sensation #5

Bowing to requests from readers , here's another excerpt from Coronation (Kid Sensation #5). As always, I have to post a disclaimer that my editor hasn't gotten her hands on this yet, so any typos must be forgiven.


In retrospect, there was only one truly untoward thing that happened that afternoon, and it occurred just a few minutes after Myshtal apologized. The other three at the table were discussing some trip they had made together in the recent past when I felt something brush against my ankle. 

For a second, I thought it was Nylerin playing footsies. It had become blatantly obvious very early on that Vicra was infatuated with Myshtal, and I picked up on strong romantic undercurrents almost every time he looked at her. To the extent that this could be viewed as a double date, she was with him while Nylerin was paired with me. That was seemingly why she had been flirting with me throughout lunch, giving me sly winks every now and then from across the table, as well as making a few double entendres during the course of the meal. At the moment, however, I wasn’t sensing the same coquettish buzz from her that I typically picked up whenever she batted an eye in my direction. Confused, I casually glanced under the table, and got one of the worst surprises of my life.

There, nuzzling up to my leg, was something that looked like a cross between a tarantula and a penguin – a furry, eight-legged monstrosity with four eyes and a beak. 

My reactions all went on autopilot. I immediately teleported about ten feet away. My vanishing and reappearing so surprised everyone else at the table that all conversation came to an immediate halt, and Myshtal let out a slight gasp. I then telekinetically grabbed the creature that had been under the table and slammed it into the trunk of the tree we’d been sitting under, causing it let out a painful squeal. I then flung it out into the lake.

“Maja!” Nylerin suddenly screamed. A second later she had leaped away from the table and was running towards the lake like there was a man-eating grizzly chasing her.

“What the…?” I muttered as Nylerin went plunging into the water.

By this time, Myshtal and Vicra had stood up as well and had come over to join me in watching Nylerin’s antics, which I still hadn’t figured out.

“Thanks,” Myshtal said, giving me a smile.

“For what?” I asked, clearly confused.

“I hate that gnuglebbin,” she replied, obviously referring to the thing I had tossed into the lake. “But Nylerin insists on taking it everywhere. Maybe next time she’ll leave it at home.”

I blinked, as the truth suddenly became clear. “That thing’s a pet?”

It was,” Vicra said, also without a great deal of sympathy. “Unless by some miracle you didn’t kill it.”


  1. TIFU by flinging my date's pet into the lake

  2. Aw shucks. Thanks for the excerpt you tease you.

  3. Any idea when the book will be released?

  4. I've been coming to this blog everyday to see if already have a release date haha.

  5. Who doesn't. Release the zombies......

  6. Brians...Brai...Books...Books.....Books....Must Reeeeeaaaadddd

  7. I'll give you some trident if kevin publishes tonight.

    1. hey, don't be stealing my shtick (....of gum)

      Besides, he already said he doesn't like Trident. I offered him chocolate coins as a follow up.

  8. Who let the zombies out early?!? I knew i should have locked that cabinet full of glowing black liquids....

    1. Ha! I'm happy to report that I've escaped the zombies, and will do my best to stay well-ahead of them in the future.

  9. I'm begging you... Well, not begging, more like asking intensely. So... is Coronation coming out soon? Sometime soon and preferably in March? :)

    1. wimp. I'm begging you Mr. Hardman...please please we need this book.

    2. LOL! The book is in the hands of my editor. As soon as I get it back and have it formatted, it will be released. That said, we're probably looking at early to mid April.

    3. I'm going to have to file a report with the the Police because your are killing me by inches Kevin.

  10. SO not five minutes from now. I think i may cry from disappointment.

  11. how about another excerpt? please please please

    1. It's tempting, but I promised myself that the next excerpt would be from one of my other books - maybe the Mouse novel, the next Fringe Worlds book, or this zombie novel that's been eating at my brain. We'll have to see.

  12. Yes!!! Mid april!!!!! Now to go put the zombies back in the cages... whered i put my keys.... oh no....

    1. LOL! Maybe if I work on my zombie novel that will keep them at bay.

  13. Wanted by the FBI: Kevin Hardman

    His crimes include killing his fans by manner of too much anticipation. He is armed with a pen which may be mightier than a sword. His known accomplices include his wife and his editor. Please be on the lookout for Mr. Hardman. If spotted...immediately run up to him and beg him to write faster and for his editor to work faster.

  14. A zombie novel from you would probably be so much better than all the others I wouldn't be able to read any but yours

    1. Thanks, that's kind of you to say - and we may end up putting that to the test.

  15. Im actually looking forward to the next Fringe Worlds book. I really liked the first one.

    1. Thanks - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was well into Fringe Worlds #2 when the ideas for Kid Sensation #5 starting hitting me fast and furious, demanding that I switch gears and finish that novel first. However, you have my word that there will be more Fringe Worlds books.

    2. "So let it be written. So let it be done."

  16. “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau


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